Honing a premise for a comedy series into an engaging, cohesive, and ultimately funny show utilizing an existing style or format is a difficult task, though relatively common in today's entertainment landscape. What is rarer to see is a series that trailblazes an entirely new comedic format in its premise. Amazon's Jury Duty melds the mundane behaviors of The Office, the real-life social study of Nathan for You, and the basic concept of The Truman Show to create something special. The show follows the members of a jury trial that is entirely fake, a feat every actor in the show knows and upholds except one person: Ronald Gladden, who thinks everything happening is real. The gradually escalating moments of absurdity around Ronald allow for wickedly funny interactions and a compelling study of human nature.
'Jury Duty' Is the Most Innovative Comedy Series in Years
'Jury Duty's star is the only one who's not an actor.